Monday, December 24, 2007

Vocal Eraser Plug-in For Sound Forge 9

for urbe senz'erba

A post with a title like that would be a great thing to be non-bed. But aware that because it's Christmas, many will forgive me, I will continue this tedious panegyric. In the absence of teleportation or divine gift of ubiquity, thanks to the power of web media, let me bring together in one embrace all my fellow travelers. Will be the map of mistletoe hanging over my head like a sword of Damocles that opens my cuoricione ancient, but suddenly a sense of joy comes over me. And then I kiss on the head puffed Angelino, I suggest something in the excellent "The Hills" Colletti (at the risk of my safety), which beats with renewed pride in the name of MILANEEEEEEEESI, which tickled her cheeks crimson with passion of Dr. Cannistrà disdain that shamelessly (but with the rhyme) the shady activities of the duo-Bocchia Cilo, who greet you with a "NIETO VODKA" Tortoreto the Ukrainian, who revere the irrepressible Mozzetti that apostrophe with a sumptuous ASTRONZIIIIIII wonders of the quintet-Fares-Pezzuco Iacono-handle- joints (I still love you guys), who rails against the North Ridge Forrester in Rome that Dr.. Battaglia. Of course continue ad libitum but redundancy of relative clauses, is giving me the head. There would be one for everyone, but in the end I can say that I admire a lot more others not specified above that these four filibusters. You mean that you have your head on your shoulders. Now excuse me, but I run away. Is going to go in the TG wave Old Life. An incubation. Merry Christmas ... and I recommend it. Who wants it, let him!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Invitation Letter Fromkosovo

An award-birth twin

Happening magnetizing. Sensational media event. Echo formidable. All episodes unrelated to the launch of our sweaty, sweaty work (Leopardi) on the degradation / decor of the train stations in Rome. As of Ambrogi Fogar novel (with and without Armaduk teporino Roman) there has been recycled reporter's "underground. So willed there where is power that the video is available to all. We, humbly, we obey. The work will be like?? To the aftermath will judge.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Follow Up Email After An Interview

Nicolas and his fish to fry

Monsieur Sarkozy's divorce from his beloved Cecilia could not come at a better time. No dinners by candlelight, no romantic trips, no more bickering love for the bachelor cousins \u200b\u200bto drive across the Alps. The last few weeks fever characterized by unrest and public demonstrations, have given quite a few headaches to the French President. After the general strike of the means committed for 10 days, everyone would have thought of a period of recovery and relative calm. But of course, the routine does not attract a lot of supporters on the other side of the Alps And then, in accordance with the concept of "take away the wax, the wax, the wave died out of protest raised by the public sector and transport, the grain 'autonomy administrative "came strongly to the fore.

This proposal, the French government wants to encourage the introduction of private capital in public universities. The draft Sarkozy did turn up their nose, to say the least, to many students. Principlae outbreak of the protest was the Sorbonne in Paris, in front of which there have been scuffles and clashes between protesters and students of differing positions. The university president in a statement, said that a small group of students has prevented, even by force, the entrance to the other students on campus who obviously liked the proposal, and also in much. The tone of the protest, vehement from the start, forcing the closure of the faculty prior until next Monday, November 26. With violence in the end you got what you wanted. Give a signal of strong protest and decided, in sharp contrast with government policy.

Poor Nicolas. A stuttering start. An even more uncertain path. Ouch, ouch, ouch. I fell on the most beautiful.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

How Can Ishrink My Northface Fleece

Sometimes They Come Back ...

By now the procedure is always the same. Almost a script, written and rewritten. The theater is almost always the same, sometimes change elements of the script made mainly of shacks patched, a flyover by way of cover, the surroundings of a landfill that serve as play area, recreation such as terraced houses. Then there should be players that are usually good and bad policemen on one side and the other occupants of the slums. But those sound good? And the bad? Mah There are those who point the finger at those who, say, acts of caring about others' difficulties, destroying what he can to the sound of bulldozers and batons. In contrast there are those who, particularly after the murder of Tor Di Quinto, are labeled as those who steal, rape and kill. Sull'intreccio of these dynamics are often developing a product similar to one another, as often happens, involves and do argue. Every time is always a lot of talk. As with the Christmas movies. Everyone has a voice.

As in the best productions of films, the highlight comes when (allegedly) good and evil face off. And every time we see the usual skirmishes. Who screams from here, who threatened there, someone tries to process, who submits his case, who, in the meantime, try to pick up what he can. Criminals and policemen, the needy and heartless. The views change. But the substance is the same. Evictions. Hotbeds of crime? Oasis of unauthorized? Or simply meeting of Unfortunate? For years, we continue with the controversy.

But the subject is elusive. Often we deal with terrible superficiality. We call on evacuations. Clean. Once and for all. But then you resize the controversy slowly fades ... ... until, perhaps, it can not the dead. It's a dog chasing its tail.

Every week, every month, every year repeats the same cloth, with the same actors, the same roles. From Milan to Florence from Rome to Turin. Now that's true national unity.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Chlamydia Pain In Legs

The glocal is among us ... and above me!

Party here, festivals there. Up of adverse events, events Faust down. Local, global, glocal ... my tongue is unrolled. The brain thinks and takes me f income. It takes so cold, she suffers and does not know what to think. And oh, is he a martyr. The emblem of the local becomes global. As. Do not you know? Then how to explain to the professor and all my classmates that I am the walking example of glocal? A few more questions? Just try it.

What ZAZZERI eh? From local that was my poor is becoming global testolone. Then prof should I do? I leave? This exercise okay? Dear my brothers, I wanted so much. One day we'll see. I have not used on the combs, barbers from where I went, on the pillows. Where did you stay more than my crown

Friday, October 26, 2007

Free Drivers License Invitations Template


information self-service. Web media era gives us a great opportunity: to give voice to the plurality. Anyone can improvise reporter himself. Update and advise an audience much wider than what could be the simple neighborhood can prove a useful weapon for groped to leave the substrate normal daily fact of silence and artificial. Often the fleetingness of the news or the little attention that is given in the main channels of information, it ends up unjustifiably penalized in a reality that is at odds with what is happening daily.

In the video I've chosen, attention is focused on the deteriorating state of the station Nomentana in Rome, which was the scene on 30 September, the murder of three Romanians, perhaps for a Regulation scores between clans. is why our video-reporter "homemade" decides to terminate this disturbing situation focusing on that goal that often our eyes can not see or do not want to see. The station is located under investigation here in Rome, but raised the problem could easily arise as to Turin to Milan, in Florence as in Bari, as problems of neglect, crime and decay (especially in the areas of railway stations) are not certain phenomenon confined to the Capitoline reality. The state of the raw images can only be the manifestation of their authenticity and veracity. With this testimony, we find a malaise that is rightly given a wider resonance than it would normally. Right or wrong??

assumptions in favor of either view are numerous and widely shared, but there is no doubt a Gordian knot in which one can not converge: the opportunity to make their voices heard regardless of the traditional means of communication and, therefore, to reach a selected audience capillarization putting the current interest to those who really matter. The opportunity to interact and carry out a selection of information is the real strength of the web: the small number of persons to whom, for natural facts and quotas would affect the news (I'll put in as I, living at 500 meters ) increases so exponentially with the ability to reach a very wide range of actors favoring thus the information on a global scale. Diversity, simplicity and interactivity: these are the strengths that make the Internet a true engine multimedia information.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

What Does A Cyst Look Like On A Mamo

is clear that the last shut its mouth!

"Blame it on the web". These are the words of a defeated and frustrated man, who knows he has thrown the air a year-long project. Ron Dennis freewheeling against everything and everyone. Obviously knows that he arrived at the end of its triumphant victory made, but also loud thuds. But in the end these are the rules of the game, everything is going to accept them, calmly accepting the sports results. But 2007 was, without doubt, an "annus horribilis" for the Anglo-German team: playing with warlike intent with the clear goal to rise to the main power of that bandwagon, known as the F1, with the arrival of 'summer, that relationship seemed idyllic from the paddock of silvery shine, slowly began to crumble. The incredible explosion of talent at home Hamilton, was poorly digested by Alonso, whose role as "first lady" was put into crisis by his teammate. Rather than resentment, were real wars.

Following the anti-Ferrari espionage scandal: The former chief designer of the team from Maranello, Nigel Stepney, would be recycled as 007 in the pay of McLaren. The "spy story" which held its breath over the summer four-wheel enthusiasts, was resolved with a double sentence: after a first interim solution (McLaren was penalized "morally" but not actually, because the evidence would not have shown responsibility and use owner of "confidential information"), it was forthcoming issue of a new, and this time final verdict, in which the protagonists are sanctioned by the cancellation of the championship points in the constructors' championship, but not in the pilots. A ruling has left the upper echelons of the "Red" with a bitter taste. The championship seemed firmly in English, but all was not lost. With a comeback just perfect, the Brazilian-Finnish pairing at the wheel of the two red lightning has completed his work in that Interlagos on Sunday. It seemed to be written somewhere: Raikkonen in front of everyone, his teammate in second place (to stop the trap Alonso) and the incredible but inexperienced English driver Hamilton relegated to seventh place. Verdict: 110 Raikkonen, Alonso and Hamilton 109. A final trick to know Ron Dennis and his team. Compartment was the latest attempt to undermine their opponents, citing alleged irregularities by Williams and BMW rivals. It is then that while the party was leaving red, the McLaren team boss has given his best.

How would the sporting principles, which bestow the honors of victory to those who have conquered the gallons of World Champion on the track, the owner of "Silver Arrows" gave vent to his frustration with the usual conspiracy of those who see a catch or something dark behind a success from the matrix rather than crystalline. I do not deserve their opponents, but even that demerit of the Web, with its jumble of voices reporting real or fake, would hurt the dynamics, already cracked within his team. There are shots in the dark. Words of one who is bitter about his failure as the only defendant to point the finger on which it is himself. How can the news from the web to undermine what should be a peaceful (as has always flaunted) as that of McLaren?? With this tool you have the opportunity to plead the cause of the plurality of information, feeling the disparate views and assess with confidence what would otherwise would never be filtered out if not, when possible, because of scanty and misleading press releases. The dirty laundry is washed at home. Dennis is a lesson that, perhaps, has not yet learned.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

South Park Heroes Of Might

The two sides of same coin

Until two weeks ago, probably almost no one knew where the Myanmar (formerly Burma), which was his untenable political situation and who it was Aung San Suu Kyi, Nobel Peace Prize in 1991, under house arrest by the Burmese military regime. Like a train in full swing, we were overwhelmed by the wave of protest led by local Buddhist monks. Suddenly Rangoon are focused on the goals by the media around the world. But there is someone that is not enough. Scornful of danger, armed with a machine and in the midst of the protest is spreading a photographer from the "Rising Sun" with the sole purpose of documenting best doing what he can. Photographing. Aware of the ban given to the military to fire on those who represent the highest authority "moral and spiritual world of Buddhism, the reporter tries to defend himself by using this invisible shield. But suddenly the unexpected happens: the orders are subverted and the Army is authorized to fire on the crowd to disperse. Make costs less than 80 people. between the protesters and the panic victim in this is also the photographer with almond-shaped eyes that nothing can Take up a weapon against those stronger than his own. All incorporated under the merciless eyes of a camera.

agonizing, cruel, cruel. But pictures and REAL REAL tremendously. This is the double-edged sword that the network offers us the possibility to remove filters and get straight to the heart of the information. Are a thousand facets of this powerful medium that is the web: some define it as a means of dangerous and destructive that can attack the veracity of message. Personally, I oppose this point of view which, though respectable, I think questionable: the genuineness and the communicative power of a camera in the middle of an event, or macabre to be auspicious, the Sublime Porte to the next level easily accessible from the "classic" routes traveled so far. The risk for a whole category is to suddenly find themselves squeezed out by the real "new world" no longer expects the news behind the desk, the new figure matches that of the journalist who called into question, breaking the royalties that characterize so far the profession. To paraphrase an adage, it can be said that the journalist, more and more, becomes "Fortunae faber suae."

The great interactive media that the world offers us, can be challenging to make a statement and examine two variables: the desire to go in search of the news event in its truest and most exquisitely genuine, the possibility to inform an audience exponentially more extends beyond television, such as the web. These are two of the discriminant that, with the passage of time will bring the "information level" to assume a global value added increased to reach that "something" that will allow more people to upgrade, even "live". Interactivity and multimedia are the watchwords which can not be ignored.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Saga Frontier 1 Action Replay

Prohibition of affliction

hours Belgian miner, notions that come from every orifice of my being a coach and settled in the abstruse concepts my spine. But instead there is none. The door of my brain, more like a loft vacant, none of it to be more open. The label with the words "I'll be back" more fair and stands proud at the entrance of my know-all container. But if there's one thing I learned from Rocky is that "... if I do I can do it, the whole world can succeed do ... ADRIAAAAAAAAAANAAAAAAAAAAA !!!". Okay, omitting the last part that I would have been helpful if I had attended a course at the conservatory opera, it means that we must hold out! Besides the weight of the culture is what it is. ..

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Whats A Good Lube That's Around The House?

Scaramacai facts aside, Hartman arrives!

Almost all of my fellow adventure around the corridors of LUMSA have seen the video on YouTube, but you never know and , in theme with the character of my essential zuzzurellone I Abruzzo concede this gem to those who missed this milestone of the web internett.

The strict protocol of "talk show" provides strict rules of contemplation, connection, deepening the problem of a very specific subject: the so-called "human." The human case usually is at the mercy of an audience hungry for details, identification and administration of pills of wisdom. The conductor, detached but interested enough to provide support to the protagonist of the story, serves as a connective tissue with the intention to merge the two forces that govern the show to prepare and make a product that will attract global audience. A formula that often works. But not everything goes well and the consequences are catastrophic. I know Erik Hartman, host of "Boemerang" on Dutch television. The presenter is a kind of Giletti "ante-its time" (though he seems to be much more pleasing to our fellow ... purely dispassionate opinion). The package of the program is impeccable: the public there, there are human cases, the drama is ... via the "TV of pain." Topic: poor health care. Perfect. A theme that is taken. All images to see the same, but welcome, old story. The ingredients for an episode from the dark tones are there but as soon as the event takes the human-word, the bang happens. The operation which has been subjected the hapless host's caused the increase in voice so comparing him to a sort of Wendy Windham with a goatee. Hartman is absolutely aware of the problem of his witness (serious, serious mistake Hartman!) and as soon as he took the floor, the driver bursts into a fit of Ridarolo in the middle of the program. Naturally everything is live. Scandal and outrage are painted right on the face of the "case-human" feel cheated, he asked to leave. Trying to undo the damage, Hartman, still in tears trying to buy time by talking someone in the audience, but it is here that the tragicomic adventures of our hero is exalted as a word that takes the figures whose husky voice would fade the late Sandro Ciotti. The program is interrupted and Hartman was fired for his conduct "unprofessional".

crucified by critics, beaten in less than no time shame on the media, after almost 20 years, our hapless protagonist is still paying the price for expensive 5 minutes of madness. Of course, the event we can only condemn, but in his place, as we would have behaved?? We kept all the aplomb of English gentleman?? Probably would have fired me too ...

Nami Robin Hentay Viedeo

Cross & delight of myself

Sometimes maybe an air of professionalism does not hurt, but I probably did. The chimera called on a5aph3lp5 had few followers "LUMSIANI. Just enough time to show the photo to Prof. proud of my buttocks but pitifully swollen with a lot of rhyme and as a corollary here is that a huge Crocione has materialized on my facetious oeuvre. I can only describe a zuzzurellone; paraphrase Alberto Tomba "I conossie Who knows." But you know, not only the lives Nando national futility. Mom and Dad have tried in every way to give me a "that" seriously, but even the graduation day they did it, since the tie has been hanging sadly with the bow tie when I was a mini version of myself and my mother was amused to dress up like a Ken in the flesh, with the difference that I did not have Barbie pink and have not driven a Porsche. It is not my fault. I can not.

What should I say here now?? I could bore you with a reprimand over the narrow content of television or the afternoon we could quibble about the soaring price of oil. Should I say something serious. Mmmmmmmmmm ... I can not. Damn 'the putt'n! So, to agree to directives from the other, I'll throw in this version I also "cleaned" from the dross macistiane myself. Will succeed?? To the aftermath will judge

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Marriage Cards Phrases

I thank the creator for not having provided with a hairy chest ... It is time the breathalyzer

Hot, hot, hot. But not
cocks, just hot.
And obviously wet.
Practically a kick in the chestnuts would only distract me and make me feel better (it's a joke, do not do it at home. In fact, do it, hahaha!).
What can I say, I have a huge desire to go to the beach and now I have even asked to go there, I did not even drive (of course, the machine has left me walking last night ...) but nothing, of course this week I have not left a penny and I have to jump even this Sunday.
In hotter it can not breathe.
This I is quite depressing, and depression mixed with my sweat has created a strange green substance that at first I was a lot of crap but now I have learned that it is good for us to grow maggots fishing. Except that they too are green, you see that absorb, but I seem happy in there.
Bah, poor beasts.
Well now I salute you because there's just too hot even to write.
I think I'm going to give me a kick in the chestnuts do not think so anymore.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Why Men Is More Than Women With Renal Stone

make them explode!

Well well, here we are once again here in a mixture of anxious waiting and organizational tension and all this because is coming again this year the most anticipated event (...), alive after a certain time dead, sarcastic, alcoholic , cursed by the gods of every type and race, and bucolic mucolytic year! !!
06 \\ 07 \\ 2007 Brainstock party with live concert at 's Hall Felonica !!!!!!
ready this year because things big fan and I know you'll have the infamous quota 50!

The rest is not even told the name is more than enough, will be one of those events where the creative flow more than being so drunk that follow will give us the car keys and ask us to drive.
there's more!! In fact, at two
will be distributed to all a sudoku (enhanced version) and those who manage to finish it properly within the three will win € 500,000 in gold coins up for grabs by the organization of the party!

What the hell begins ...

Monday, June 11, 2007

Pregnancy Timetoo Much Discharge Like Egg White

Oh, by the sea we go! So we can relax a bit '...

Here, all stops.
Here I want to publish your comment dear and gentle, but always the day after the hangover, Chiara.
Sprmgy says
"I wanted to publicly thank L 'ANGEL
'3 '!! "
Here, I do not know if he has got ...
Well, at least something that happened not too common, hath been understood. Without
is that seems to be virtually assured that if you bring in Marina di Ravenna (thing to note is that they should not drive ...) of sbronzone , whether friends or morose, or you'll end up calling Hulk Hogan and basically everything runs smoothly, or, and is a natural law, appear from the shadows an infinite number of balls or drunk or drunk-ass who jump on the prey as sharks (with morose-friendly alcohol rates not less than 2.6), relying on that theory much in vogue in the 80's that assures you the conquest of a woman if you can pronounce a number of crap per minute. And if you have the language sweatshirt and do not understand the pronunciation of a banana, one thing that still made no sense, then you're alright.
What a story, eh?
But if it was so there would be nothing unusual.
For we have not had to deal with the situation
provaccione , no no, the morose-c'avevamo friends that at times does not lead and the other who wanted to lead a guy who had the mug ...
The rest I'll leave you to imagine, however at the end everything went well ...
For now I'm religious.

Monday, June 4, 2007

How Many Megapixels Is Movie Quality

possino kill you ...

Ahhhhhhh, what a beautiful life! It seems just
for tomorrow (5 \\ 06 \\ 2007) the great demon of Heaven ' university has decided to take a nice raid exam ammazzacapa on all seats eh?! I'm a bastard ...
We're all in, I (BO), my Sorra (PD), the Pri (BO) and Filippo ( FE) (today) (code-named " Eliard "...) and it makes me think of a single prediction possible: the neuron a better fighter, armed to the teeth you stappafucili alcohol dual charger, will raid ... I recommend you remember that the hunt begins after the exams if not then it's a mess. And
vabbeh , will this one.
I wanted some excuse for not having shit with all that much but I'm around the blog (as we understand it) I was a attimino committed on the books, the only moment of entertainment I had was Friday, of course, upon landing, where after I "accidentally" got drunk because several experiments cocktaillosi I found an account mileage and without a Ghelli in your pocket (you do that the world, one is sacrificed for science and they still want money. .. tsk ..) so we do not look for the one with the ragged ass decided it was time for Plan "B".
" Raga, poker !!!!!". Since landing
this game is in fashion lately, I have not made any effort to pick up a table for 4 people ... The plan was perfect, plucked people and I'm a lord paid my little sum.
For an hour after I had already lost all the little I had left in my pocket and I had to use the emergency protocol " Maik -1" which is to call the bartender, while pretending to be in a hurry for the time and tell him to score all that will come back to pay.

... I've already bought from the store nose and mustache of the Chinese and I assure you that work by god!

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Starting Salary Of A Occupa

Anthropology sermidese I - 2nd lesson

As promised in the previous lesson we offer you a little educational video on the endless ritual of the glass where you can see very clearly how these people manage to reach a state of trance during ritual ceremonies.
That person is a young man who voluntarily sacrificed to pro community making it what these natives call " 'mbriagoz " which, after long studies rigardanti the complicated local language, we managed to translate "He who does not seem all right."
But it is not yet discovered the social function of ritual even if it seems to be a kind of social glue that unites the entire communities around the 'mbriagoz at that moment embodies the soul of the group.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Dental Pain That Moves Around

Anthropology sermidese I

Days, especially the evenings, spend quiet lands sermidesi . Maybe a little 'too quiet since that smaronìa territorial pushes young men to undertake socio-psychedelic immediately fell on fertile ground in H umus small indigenous tribes. At first glance it may appear only in exceptional activity but at closer inspection you notice how they are evolving in real rituals of a group of enormous social importance. I and my research team we were able to categorize two classic types of social phenomena that have come to be particularly relevant in recent times.
  • The sacred ritual of donning the gray-car mystique of the penis (this seems to be an evil deity in many local cosmologies)
  • The ritual of the glass also known as the endless night of "We will pay for the bottle and you're so drunk we can get what we want and laugh a lot at you but deep down we love you "
For now, the information in our possession ready stop to these two phenomena, but we are working on new material to go into that, but this will be the subject of the next lesson.
bye to everyone.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Topaz Vs. Aquamarine Value

Have you ever seen these tiny little creatures

Funny, is not it?


Cicci Cicci.


The problem a bottom line is that
have, um, well, a slight tendency to mold all'infortunistica home.

is well, not big stuff.

It 's a cartoon that went on MTV some time ago (obviously not at lunch time, but was not hurt as the idea of \u200b\u200binnovative programming ...) are all still on emule and they are also short so do not complain that you lose time maik download the shit.
I recommend you go see them: massacres sgranguignoleschi for everyone.

Up, so I say go and see who it is that he was right there in the end ... up, up ..

Sample Congratulatory Anniversary Letters

And while there are those damned dots!
So enough with the hysterics as soon as you open the blog because now the first thing you see is only the sign of the 200 Cigarettes'Bar!
... the remainder (double column type, and other bullshit pretty pricey ...) I'm still working there.
So be patient;

Be quite and drive !!!!!!

Monday, May 14, 2007

Ipod No Sound Ford Fiesta

Sample nutria Puttanas , very good race to break the fog

Olivetti Drivers Prt 100

Just to break the ice Friday night we went (me and the gang criminals who accompanied me) to do a "ride" and I popped back out into the street, suddenly a thing (WASTE I still believe it was a rat or nutria ...) four-legged, hairy and skinned rat by the tail but with the size of a wild boar.

Step 1 - I was not able to say anything else except "MA fuck!" and groped an unlikely dodge (I took the tail haha)

Phase 2 - to understand what it was about to ask my sister tells me that it was a cat, it leaves me ...., mmm puzzled ... Bald cat with its tail, mmm ...

Step 3 - ask the guys who followed me into the car and discover that we just killed the last of " Topus mannarus of campagnas ", wanted for the murderess in 24 counties of 13 virgins, robbery armed robbery and organization of terrorist cells of al-Qaeda.

Step 4 - the topic is beginning to get bored and decide to roll another.

Covering Bat With Bat Tape

volita And, it is with great pleasure and from one million barrels as soon as the smoke that I present 200 Cigarettes'Bar blog!
News, music, culture, sports, politics, art, news, Italian, mathematics and geography.
None of this ...