Saturday, November 24, 2007

Follow Up Email After An Interview

Nicolas and his fish to fry

Monsieur Sarkozy's divorce from his beloved Cecilia could not come at a better time. No dinners by candlelight, no romantic trips, no more bickering love for the bachelor cousins \u200b\u200bto drive across the Alps. The last few weeks fever characterized by unrest and public demonstrations, have given quite a few headaches to the French President. After the general strike of the means committed for 10 days, everyone would have thought of a period of recovery and relative calm. But of course, the routine does not attract a lot of supporters on the other side of the Alps And then, in accordance with the concept of "take away the wax, the wax, the wave died out of protest raised by the public sector and transport, the grain 'autonomy administrative "came strongly to the fore.

This proposal, the French government wants to encourage the introduction of private capital in public universities. The draft Sarkozy did turn up their nose, to say the least, to many students. Principlae outbreak of the protest was the Sorbonne in Paris, in front of which there have been scuffles and clashes between protesters and students of differing positions. The university president in a statement, said that a small group of students has prevented, even by force, the entrance to the other students on campus who obviously liked the proposal, and also in much. The tone of the protest, vehement from the start, forcing the closure of the faculty prior until next Monday, November 26. With violence in the end you got what you wanted. Give a signal of strong protest and decided, in sharp contrast with government policy.

Poor Nicolas. A stuttering start. An even more uncertain path. Ouch, ouch, ouch. I fell on the most beautiful.


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