Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Racquel Darrian Films

Natural remedies for abdominal tensions

tensions and the so-called belly swollen abdominal disorders are very common, we are talking about one in three people who will suffer; disorders that often bears much trouble.

behind it though with a seemingly simple discomfort can sometimes hide a more specific cause excessive compared to the fermentation of food.

often happens that some feel the swollen belly although it is apparently true. This occurs when the intestine is very sensitive, that is when it over-reacts to any stimulus.

often happens to people who tend to be very emotional or somatization especially in the belly or strong emotions other hardships.

particularly that in addition to the diet of people suffering from this disorder may also use natural remedies that act both on the process of assimilation, both mechanically and the gas that naturally grow in each.

plants are best-known such as fennel, mint and cumin, carminative plants known, that is able to regulate intestinal motility and to capture the excess gas.

A plant that acts mainly at the digestive and how action is similar to that of the chili and ginger.

Other plants, such as Altea, soothe irritated mucous membranes reduce intestinal discomfort, others, such as chicory, help restore the bacterial flora is essential for digestive health and abdomen.

Romina Brown

Matter For Marriage Cards In Hindi

It's A Sin

I'm back here .... Finally I find a bit 'of time to devote to my blog and now I take this opportunity to post of a new portrait.
This time it's a close-up shot outside near a tree, I intentionally decentralized the model's face to pop up a bit 'of the trunk in the background. I also used an accessory, a fan of pink Accessorize.
Again the construction is simple and all you will have a fan in the house, maybe even more beautiful than mine! :)
The most creative of course lies in the eye, explain what the model forward through the eyes is never a waste of time .. even for me it is a pleasure and a needs.
The colors of the photos were then slightly desaturated in post production.
A photo where the mouth is hidden, but where your eyes can talk ....

blogger barra

Monday, December 27, 2010

Driver Sound Dell Optiplex Gx620 For Windows 7

} {"giveaway" of Shabby Chic Interiors

Hello everyone!
I thought I'd share with you the delicious "blog candy" that organized Shabby Chic Interiors with the final prize of the beautiful Christmas balls decorated in a very elegant way to .. I like very much!

you too can participate until midnight on Monday, January 3, 2011 clicking
HERE and following the instructions.

Good day to everyone, absolutely everyone!

Ps. Spend even Bia for his first "full-blog" puts 3 surprises up for grabs and Cata's blog
(there are some beautiful placemats for breakfast)

blogger barra

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Birthday Wish For Ur Boss

} {Merry Christmas} {


We're one step away from Christmas, all rush to buy gifts, the weather is cold and the streets are fully decorated ...
Many of you are about to leave .... you do a good trip!
Now I just to wish you all a peaceful and happy Christmas!

Ps.Per this picture I used a tiny Christmas tree (as a delightful background paper with polka dots) and I photographed everything with my 60mm Nikkor ... with all this glitter effect bokeh could only be assured!


blogger barra

Monday, December 20, 2010

English Texts For Season's Greetings

My New Blog Button} Sweet Christmas gift

Here here my brand new Blog Button!
I hope you like it ... :)
You can copy the code and put it in your blog if you like, if you follow my blog or if you just like my photos.
's all for you!

I hope that in your area does not get too cold ... we're freezing! Cover up, please!
nice day and a warm greeting to you all!

Texture by Rubyblossom

blogger barra

Saturday, December 18, 2010

How To Begin A Compere

{} {


Yesterday Santa Claus has come under the snow, a slight advance! We know that at Christmas we are all more greedy and hungry ... and the desserts are not enough really ever! Luckily I have a plentiful stock thanks to Fornero MORINI that yesterday I was honored with two of her delicious baked goods: a cake and a spongata, all wrapped in lovely packaging.
I thought of photographing both products now because I do not know what will last on my goodies!


Just below are the tasty spongata, a traditional Christmas cake in my area (Parma, Piacenza, etc), needless to say, between a shot and the other I've tasted ... excellent! :)



Visit the Morini Fornero to know all the other delicacies!


Good weekend to you all!

blogger barra

Monday, December 13, 2010

Mosquito Bite Inner Thigh

Danbo reflection

{ Danbo reflection }

Danbo As you may know is now entered into my heart and I just try to photograph him in a thousand ways .. I enjoy at all!
For this shot glass is wet enough.
I wanted to photograph two Danbo and in this way we are successful using the reflection of the glass (carefully choosing the view you can choose the degree of reflection that you like). I opted for a clear reflection and as sharp as possible, the bokeh on the left I got through the raindrops and aperture.
The natural light from windows and my Nikkor 60mm did the rest.
No processing or retouching.
Danbo I must admit that it is always very diligent and photogenic ... really a nice guy! :)

blogger barra

Monday, December 6, 2010

On Mini Fridge Coldest Setting

}} {Musa


Tonight I want to share with you this very first floor, from soft pastel pink, very simple and has small pink flowers as decoration only.
That's it, nothing more, nothing less ...
Luck had it that these delicious little branches were the same shade of pink lips .... or rather, the tone was not exactly the same but I remedied by applying a very light pink filter over the whole shot.
Sunlight as usual and the hair to frame her face .. and you're done!
I hope you like it!

blogger barra

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Where Can I Get My Dog Scanned

Still-Life Before and After-parsley (parsley) {

Before and after, a simple way to show two photos, before and after processing or photo editing software with the fix.
I think it's a very important exercise and just observing what you can do in post production helps a lot. Personally, I always follow the American sites that deal with "the before and after" helps me to understand many important aspects of step, especially as regards the right size, right color etc. ...

To show this type of development typical of still life, I used the first shot of the day, made carelessly without setting the machine so corretto.I parameters remained those of the previous day. Obviously the result is a picture very buggy.



incorrect white balance (all the pink), and spot light is not correct dark at the top right ... these are some flaws.

Here is the result obtained by adjusting the white balance and eliminating the shadows pink, turning and trimming a little shooting and working on the curves of brightness:


{ Parsley on white }

Set parameters correctly is crucial, but if a picture you particularly like but is full of errors you can try to retrieve it! Nothing is lost!

blogger barra

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Difference Ultra Et Mino

Who lives where he lives, you do not see Texture love ♥ ♥}

{ Chi vive, quando vive, non si vede }

After a bit 'of still life is to get back at the pictures! This picture was taken recently, 'with the intention of creating something different, by setting different levels of the ordinary with regard to light, contrast and composition.
Inspired by many male fashion photographers (my research is constantly changing), I chose a pure B & W, especially when shooting high-contrast and very bright. In this way I managed to keep the details of the skin and make it more mysterious ...
She is the model par excellence, photographing people is always more complicated for a number of reasons, some obvious, others less so ...
Accessories are typically feminine and can make a very special portrait, like the long hair of the models, makeup and many other things that obviously are lacking in male pictures .. For this reason, many photo enthusiasts looking for models only and do not care to learn about photography with models .. different, more complex, but at the same time very fascinating!

blogger barra

Friday, November 19, 2010

Kates Playground Trench Coat

Yesterday I found this wonderful "free textures" * Ground floor and I could not resist, I immediately tried to use it on an old still life (shot with Panasonic FZ18)!
It 's a very simple texture that can really be useful because it often is not very invasive and almost colorless (that do not always want to intervene by changing the color of the shot). In addition to the texture I applied to even a picture frame effect jagged ruined, to make it all a bit 'more vintage! :)
If you like you can download it here: TEXTURE
I hope to use it again as soon as possible, perhaps for some pictures of food!
Good texturing at all!

blogger barra

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Chicco Replacement Wheels

{heart} Apple

This photo dates back to almost two years ago and has had an unexpected success that really did not expect.
E 'in the overall picture for which I received more mail, more views, more requests for prints and availability (who wanted to hang in your kitchen, those who wanted to print leaflets for children, who wanted put it on your blog, etc. ..).
Needless to say I am very happy about that!
In reality it is a still life was born with no pretensions and very easy to make. It takes a fine apple color, a bit 'of water, a white background and a mold to make the heart on the apple (I used one of those molds that are used to make cookies). It 's all very easy! Lovers of the still life you should definitely try at home when you have more available than just an apple! :)

blogger barra

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

How To Tighten Your Hymen

Flower therapy: use the Bach Flower Remedies Phytotherapy

The 38 Bach flower remedies are vibrational remedies that act at a subtle level, where thin means that the energy component, unknown to most people, that characterizes each of us.

Flower therapy is part of the field of holistic medicine that rests its foundation on the theoretical and empirical theory that all diseases, the illnesses that are evident externally on the body or have their origin in the psyche of a deeper imbalance, which Dr. Bach called as a detachment from their true selves or rather by its very nature. Then

anxiety, stress, depression etc.. are expressions of disharmony, as an instrument in tune. The flowers, carefully chosen for the situation, intervene as frequency tuners that help the person to regain the lost harmony. Each flower

fact has a precise frequency which makes it suitable to treat a particular event discordant, which is why it is important to seek advice from an expert flower-therapist can, through in-depth interview, to advise the flower or the mixture of flowers most suitable.

written by Romina Brown

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Baking Powder Bad Taste

Opportunity makes the thief

"Opportunity makes the thief" is a work of Rossini's bubbly and cheerful, we must deal with irony and wit.
From the standpoint of interpretation, all more or less, they have been good. Some were victims of the emotion of the debut, as is indeed inevitable and understandable.
Berenice was played by Marika Gulordava, which in terms of singing and did not say much that has struggled at times on certain notes, especially on so-called "extreme." Ernestina was instead Valeria Tornatore, who gave her character the usual fluency, but sometimes you have not heard. Cortellazzi Leonardo in the role of Count Albert, was correct and accurate, but lacking that little bit more that distinguishes the artist from the singer. Davide Pelissero Martino was a funny, funny and hilarious as is his character in terms of interpretation certainly one of the best of the evening. Although a small part, Kwon Jaeheui was pleasant and believable as Uncle Eusebio. That of the guest star of the evening, Max stands in the shoes of Don Parmenione, was the best performance: the baritone was impeccable in terms of singing (beautiful voice and bell'acuto) and very witty interpretation, combining all an excellent stage presence.
Excellent scenery of Ponnelle. About the costumes, some personally I did not like but can not be denied that were suitable and age appropriate.
Overall it was a pleasant and enjoyable evening.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Milena Velba Milking Fotos


Phytotherapy is a type of alternative medicine that is sometimes also called Phytomedicine. Its use goes back to the times of myth, fact, herbal medicine is based on the use of herbs or herbal extracts to combat and cure disease and keep your body well-being.

As it is conceivable to assume this type of therapy is very old, indeed the people of the past, like today, we firmly believe that certain statements when taken consistently and according to different types of dose, did recover from many types of diseases.

Right from the time of the Romans, Greeks and Persians have made collections of books or otherwise know, which tells the uses and disadvantages of each type of plant used in medicine. Of course at that time everything was first tested on guinea pigs or in an empirical study plants and their effects. However, it is thanks to these early doctors still know if the power of mother nature for the care of the body.

These days, however, in many EU member states the kind of herbal medicine has no legal value, but is always considered a form of alternative medicine, although some types of plants are used instead of medicine traditional scientific.

It 'always good to ask the help of experts who know what the active ingredients used according to the occurrences.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Record Propellerhead Unlock

Mikelino: The New Smart Sensor Alarm

In general, a sensor-transducer is a device that detects a physical quantity and converts it into another. Sesnore a warning detects a person's physical and engineering an electrical signal that can be used to activate a siren.
The market already offers a wide variety of alarm sensors for the protection of buildings. They are divided in two groups: those for interior and exterior.
The first involved when the intruder is already inside the building to be protected and are installed internally. The
seconds instead generate an alarm before a person enters the building and are installed outside. How
do you detect the presence of an individual?
different technologies are adopted some of which are listed below.
The first is the detection of infrared radiation by a person. In fact, the body temperature is around 36 ° C. Therefore it is determined that the temperature difference between the environment and the intruder itself.
The second is the motion detection by means of microwaves. In fact, a movement of a body varies the frequency of emitted waves. This change is detected to generate an alarm. There are called dual-technology sensors that combine the two technologies mentioned and generate an alarm only in the case where both the infrared that microwaves. This will lower the probability of false alarms. Then there are the classic magnetic contacts involved opening a door or frame.
There are also infrared sensors that generate a beam interruption of a signal and then inertial sensors sensitive to vibration.
those mentioned above are the most popular technologies. There are other types of sensors that are much more complex and have not been mentioned. The sensor
"Mikelino" has the following features: 1 Works
multi-technology, one of which is capacitive;
2 You install inside the building and protects it from the outside
3 Hidden vision;
4 very low probability of false alarms;
5 affordable for the end user.
The capacitive technology is a unique technology that detects the presence of a human body because it is made mostly of water and minerals.
The sensor consists of a pair of wires that make up the armor on the capacitor. They can be installed inside of the casing, and completely hidden from view. In qusto will generate an invisible barrier.
Under resting conditions the dielectric is air. The moment you approach the intruder and then change the dielectric capacitance. This change is detected by generating a signal. Coupled with the capacitive sensor have the inertial sensor sensitive only to vibrations. In summary
to generate an alarm must be the physical presence of a human body is the will to force the frame.
The "Mikelino" can be applied almost anywhere for example on the doors, under the floors of the balconies, on fences, on verandas, gardens etc. ...