Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Where Can I Get My Dog Scanned

Still-Life Before and After-parsley (parsley) {

Before and after, a simple way to show two photos, before and after processing or photo editing software with the fix.
I think it's a very important exercise and just observing what you can do in post production helps a lot. Personally, I always follow the American sites that deal with "the before and after" helps me to understand many important aspects of step, especially as regards the right size, right color etc. ...

To show this type of development typical of still life, I used the first shot of the day, made carelessly without setting the machine so corretto.I parameters remained those of the previous day. Obviously the result is a picture very buggy.



incorrect white balance (all the pink), and spot light is not correct dark at the top right ... these are some flaws.

Here is the result obtained by adjusting the white balance and eliminating the shadows pink, turning and trimming a little shooting and working on the curves of brightness:


{ Parsley on white }

Set parameters correctly is crucial, but if a picture you particularly like but is full of errors you can try to retrieve it! Nothing is lost!

blogger barra


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