Saturday, November 24, 2007

Follow Up Email After An Interview

Nicolas and his fish to fry

Monsieur Sarkozy's divorce from his beloved Cecilia could not come at a better time. No dinners by candlelight, no romantic trips, no more bickering love for the bachelor cousins \u200b\u200bto drive across the Alps. The last few weeks fever characterized by unrest and public demonstrations, have given quite a few headaches to the French President. After the general strike of the means committed for 10 days, everyone would have thought of a period of recovery and relative calm. But of course, the routine does not attract a lot of supporters on the other side of the Alps And then, in accordance with the concept of "take away the wax, the wax, the wave died out of protest raised by the public sector and transport, the grain 'autonomy administrative "came strongly to the fore.

This proposal, the French government wants to encourage the introduction of private capital in public universities. The draft Sarkozy did turn up their nose, to say the least, to many students. Principlae outbreak of the protest was the Sorbonne in Paris, in front of which there have been scuffles and clashes between protesters and students of differing positions. The university president in a statement, said that a small group of students has prevented, even by force, the entrance to the other students on campus who obviously liked the proposal, and also in much. The tone of the protest, vehement from the start, forcing the closure of the faculty prior until next Monday, November 26. With violence in the end you got what you wanted. Give a signal of strong protest and decided, in sharp contrast with government policy.

Poor Nicolas. A stuttering start. An even more uncertain path. Ouch, ouch, ouch. I fell on the most beautiful.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

How Can Ishrink My Northface Fleece

Sometimes They Come Back ...

By now the procedure is always the same. Almost a script, written and rewritten. The theater is almost always the same, sometimes change elements of the script made mainly of shacks patched, a flyover by way of cover, the surroundings of a landfill that serve as play area, recreation such as terraced houses. Then there should be players that are usually good and bad policemen on one side and the other occupants of the slums. But those sound good? And the bad? Mah There are those who point the finger at those who, say, acts of caring about others' difficulties, destroying what he can to the sound of bulldozers and batons. In contrast there are those who, particularly after the murder of Tor Di Quinto, are labeled as those who steal, rape and kill. Sull'intreccio of these dynamics are often developing a product similar to one another, as often happens, involves and do argue. Every time is always a lot of talk. As with the Christmas movies. Everyone has a voice.

As in the best productions of films, the highlight comes when (allegedly) good and evil face off. And every time we see the usual skirmishes. Who screams from here, who threatened there, someone tries to process, who submits his case, who, in the meantime, try to pick up what he can. Criminals and policemen, the needy and heartless. The views change. But the substance is the same. Evictions. Hotbeds of crime? Oasis of unauthorized? Or simply meeting of Unfortunate? For years, we continue with the controversy.

But the subject is elusive. Often we deal with terrible superficiality. We call on evacuations. Clean. Once and for all. But then you resize the controversy slowly fades ... ... until, perhaps, it can not the dead. It's a dog chasing its tail.

Every week, every month, every year repeats the same cloth, with the same actors, the same roles. From Milan to Florence from Rome to Turin. Now that's true national unity.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Chlamydia Pain In Legs

The glocal is among us ... and above me!

Party here, festivals there. Up of adverse events, events Faust down. Local, global, glocal ... my tongue is unrolled. The brain thinks and takes me f income. It takes so cold, she suffers and does not know what to think. And oh, is he a martyr. The emblem of the local becomes global. As. Do not you know? Then how to explain to the professor and all my classmates that I am the walking example of glocal? A few more questions? Just try it.

What ZAZZERI eh? From local that was my poor is becoming global testolone. Then prof should I do? I leave? This exercise okay? Dear my brothers, I wanted so much. One day we'll see. I have not used on the combs, barbers from where I went, on the pillows. Where did you stay more than my crown