Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Where Can I Get My Dog Scanned

Still-Life Before and After-parsley (parsley) {

Before and after, a simple way to show two photos, before and after processing or photo editing software with the fix.
I think it's a very important exercise and just observing what you can do in post production helps a lot. Personally, I always follow the American sites that deal with "the before and after" helps me to understand many important aspects of step, especially as regards the right size, right color etc. ...

To show this type of development typical of still life, I used the first shot of the day, made carelessly without setting the machine so corretto.I parameters remained those of the previous day. Obviously the result is a picture very buggy.



incorrect white balance (all the pink), and spot light is not correct dark at the top right ... these are some flaws.

Here is the result obtained by adjusting the white balance and eliminating the shadows pink, turning and trimming a little shooting and working on the curves of brightness:


{ Parsley on white }

Set parameters correctly is crucial, but if a picture you particularly like but is full of errors you can try to retrieve it! Nothing is lost!

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Thursday, November 25, 2010

Difference Ultra Et Mino

Who lives where he lives, you do not see Texture love ♥ ♥}

{ Chi vive, quando vive, non si vede }

After a bit 'of still life is to get back at the pictures! This picture was taken recently, 'with the intention of creating something different, by setting different levels of the ordinary with regard to light, contrast and composition.
Inspired by many male fashion photographers (my research is constantly changing), I chose a pure B & W, especially when shooting high-contrast and very bright. In this way I managed to keep the details of the skin and make it more mysterious ...
She is the model par excellence, photographing people is always more complicated for a number of reasons, some obvious, others less so ...
Accessories are typically feminine and can make a very special portrait, like the long hair of the models, makeup and many other things that obviously are lacking in male pictures .. For this reason, many photo enthusiasts looking for models only and do not care to learn about photography with models .. different, more complex, but at the same time very fascinating!

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Friday, November 19, 2010

Kates Playground Trench Coat

Yesterday I found this wonderful "free textures" * Ground floor and I could not resist, I immediately tried to use it on an old still life (shot with Panasonic FZ18)!
It 's a very simple texture that can really be useful because it often is not very invasive and almost colorless (that do not always want to intervene by changing the color of the shot). In addition to the texture I applied to even a picture frame effect jagged ruined, to make it all a bit 'more vintage! :)
If you like you can download it here: TEXTURE
I hope to use it again as soon as possible, perhaps for some pictures of food!
Good texturing at all!

blogger barra

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Chicco Replacement Wheels

{heart} Apple

This photo dates back to almost two years ago and has had an unexpected success that really did not expect.
E 'in the overall picture for which I received more mail, more views, more requests for prints and availability (who wanted to hang in your kitchen, those who wanted to print leaflets for children, who wanted put it on your blog, etc. ..).
Needless to say I am very happy about that!
In reality it is a still life was born with no pretensions and very easy to make. It takes a fine apple color, a bit 'of water, a white background and a mold to make the heart on the apple (I used one of those molds that are used to make cookies). It 's all very easy! Lovers of the still life you should definitely try at home when you have more available than just an apple! :)

blogger barra

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

How To Tighten Your Hymen

Flower therapy: use the Bach Flower Remedies Phytotherapy

The 38 Bach flower remedies are vibrational remedies that act at a subtle level, where thin means that the energy component, unknown to most people, that characterizes each of us.

Flower therapy is part of the field of holistic medicine that rests its foundation on the theoretical and empirical theory that all diseases, the illnesses that are evident externally on the body or have their origin in the psyche of a deeper imbalance, which Dr. Bach called as a detachment from their true selves or rather by its very nature. Then

anxiety, stress, depression etc.. are expressions of disharmony, as an instrument in tune. The flowers, carefully chosen for the situation, intervene as frequency tuners that help the person to regain the lost harmony. Each flower

fact has a precise frequency which makes it suitable to treat a particular event discordant, which is why it is important to seek advice from an expert flower-therapist can, through in-depth interview, to advise the flower or the mixture of flowers most suitable.

written by Romina Brown