Sunday, July 20, 2008

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It starts on September 29 with extra Rai4

away from the Island of the Famous Monday, September 29, hoping that the change in the broadcast of the historic reality of Rai2 not gone away.

Previous experience suggested by the second channel during the same day, have in fact proved unsuccessful. Without taking into account the counteroffensive that Mediaset will respond to the bulwark of the fall programming of RAI on Zelig Canale 5.

In this climate of concern, Viale Mazzini expected to recover any spectators cnali shipwrecked on the Alfa, programming on the new born, Rai4, part of the material recorded during the reality show that will not, as a matter of time, sent in the clear during the daytime and the first direct evening.

What a few weeks ago was just a rumor, was confirmed recently in the press room by Carlo Freccero, president of RaiSat:
"Rai4 will feed the cult series, films and TV series, cartoons, music programs, addition to the "home run" of some reality. "

island adrift?

Friday, July 18, 2008

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Persuaders three

Notwithstanding that talk of a stake of Richard Sardona would be too predictable and somewhat impossible, some indiscretion Maecenas away from reports that are under consideration of the assumptions of Gherardesca Constantine and Wendy Windham as possible replacements for resigning the castaways leaving the island within the first four weeks of broadcast transmission (we'll talk about the case in a few days).

Check also on the horizon for a possible induction Serena Garitta, once already winner of Big Brother. Nothing divided by drowning her. To the wise, a few words.

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definitively refuted rumors that an unlikely Stefano Bettarini alongside his ex-wife Simona Ventura as posted on the Island, Rai and Magnolia are finalizing agreements to entrust the conduct the daytime and during the direct link to the one who will be the successor of Francesco Facchinetti.

Already for months about a papabile Daniele Battaglia (son of guitarist Dodi) another son of the great family of Pooh art, worthy of esteem and affection of the blonde presenter.

The race to win the role of the contract and Rai with mother, is also open for the drowning of the previous season of the hit reality show, Cristiano Malgioglio. No one would want to detract from the fact his character. It remains to review the modalities, while not excluding the possibility that if not, he sits in the studio as a commentator during the show.

Complete this narrow range of names, perhaps a stranger Alessandro Sarno, ex Hyena and until last May, the cast of Markette as a correspondent and reporter from Paris.

Pending a contract is signed, it is rumored in the corridors of Rai is also the possibility of a distortion, a real twist. It appears that the authors are ready to fall back on an unexpected presence of women.

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The mayor of Alassio on the Island? Apparently not, though ... The Treasury

It's rumored the possible involvement of the mayor of forzista Alassio, Marco Melgarejo, as the sinking of 'the foreign island Chat d 'Italy.
The rumors stem from some statements made by Melgarejo during the casting for the famous not just held in Alassio:
" If you take me there ... I am a fervent mind, I am a very outgoing person and always ready to dialogue with people ... the other auditors are sad and you do not ever throw in such an undertaking ... "

After one week of casting in which the same archittetto and seems to have undergone political, issues of today for the daily The policy review, an interview in which he states that his was only a joke and has no intention of setting foot in Honduras:
" Mine was a joke to emphasize an event that took place in Alassio, selections of the island of Fame. I have no ambitions to become a character in a reality TV show. I already have my profession: I am an architect, working well and the activity is going very well ... "

As usual, never completely trust the mayors ...

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against Simona Ventura - Act One

Enjoying some time off Porto Cervo in that far from television cameras and dall'onnipresenzialismo, the Guardia di Finanza opens onto a massive dossier in which she would have reported a failure to declare for income tax purposes' amount of € 57,000 and an improper deduction of its income and property amounted to € 1,200,000.

The offenses, which the dossier refers not only involve Simona Ventura, but also two of the limited liability company of which it is a member. Among

not legally deductible expenses are reported: leasing, accessories for children, spa, kitchens, furniture, furnishings, cost of hiring a helicopter, restructuring charges and expenses of the house design and construction of a pool.

Apparently, his vacation will not be completely carefree.

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Heather Parisi, Vladimir Luxuria, Rocco Siffredi and Vittorio Sgarbi will not be on the Island of the Famous Island

Contrary to entries in the main national newspapers and most clicked on online news sites, the three non-VIPs will land in the archipelago of 'Honduras.
Luxuria Siffredi and apparently were never contacted by the production of the format, while

Vittorio Sgarbi, seems to have refused the compensation offered to € 500,000 from Rai and Magnolia to take part in the cast. The political brawling, now commissioner of Milan, had previously bargained for a "more mixed" contract by as many as 2 million €. The
well served by the production was now regarded as inevitable.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

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2008: The official cast all (or most) of confirmations and cancellations

are now taken for granted and confirmed by the press the names of most popular competitors, or not at all unknown, that will make up the cast of the sixth edition of the reality of RaiDue.

diverse and redundant, as every year is the ensemble of castaways who land on the beaches of Honduras: showgirl, showgirls, tronista, or aspiring actors, frequently middle-class living rooms, former players or, more generally, athletes, entertainers and ... as has become tradition, sons and daughters of other reality shows and talk shows to succeed.

are still missing some competitors, the leaders of Magnolia and Rai are in fact dealing privately with the latest "anointed" edition that will be part of the format license plate 2008.
But first things first and discover the miracles to date:

Antonio Cabrini - 51 year-old former footballer and football manager and owner in the Italian national team during the World Cup in 1982. Until last played the role of coach of the national football team Syria. His last appearance on television dating back to last June, involved in the cast of the show's second night of RaiDue slag.

BELEN RODRIGUEZ - 24 years, ex-model argentina, found in Italy participating in its America known television commercials, co-leading varieties in 2007 The second evening Dyeing and Circo Massimo Show with Fabrizio Frizzi. He attended a recent Pirates, the spectacle of Wild Lucarelli, Marco Cocci broadcast on RaiDue.

FLAVIA VENTO - 31 years (it says), known to all as required in the valley enclosed by Teo Mammuccari under the table in the program of jokes Telephone Free . A dim spot that for all his career in show business. He tried to reinvent itself as a political activist and animal rights believe, unfortunately everyone can remember it only as "Flavia Vento" (the airhead).

Giucas BOX - 59 year old magician and all-rounder in the TV lounges of Sunday signed Mara Venier. When it comes to him it is impossible not to refer to the experiments of escapologia, hypnosis, and endless trips across the coals that have characterized our TV in the late 80s and 90s. He has also participated in 2004 the unfortunate reality of the RaiUno the Restaurant.

LAKE JOSEPH - 27 years, former tronista of Men and Women also shared the disappointment in terms of plays [and quality] love game of Canale5 True Love. In short it is one of the many sons of Mrs. De Filippi cathode. Nothing to declare as well as various appearances on TV and any openings and nightclubs.
Somebody up there loves him.

TUMIOTTO LEONARDO - 25 years, Italian champion in swimming and fifth place in the 2006 European Championships in Helsinki in the 200m medley. The DOC and sporty good looks that can not fail in the cast.

Massimo Ciavarro - 51 years as a model for picture stories of GrandHotel soon became an actor of Italian comedy filmed in period between the '80s and '90s. E 'remembered especially for participation in the film Sapore di mare 2 1982. In the 90 alternates to acting in theater, participating in Italian fiction success as Contracts, Dear Master and this is my land . The assiduous readers of novels and tabloid weekly rose remember him as the former husband of Eleonora Giorgi.

MICAELA JOY that MICH - son of former managing director of Fiat, entrepreneur and, according to many, a frequent visitor of the bourgeois salons of Milan well. Currently he is a professional journalist and book stores you can find the boot of his two books Far gifts and Secretaries.
It 's the typical example of note unknown to all. His participation in transmission is due to the refusal of Heather Parisi to want to sign the contract with Magnolia. We'll see.

Veridian Mallmann - 21 year old Brazilian model and known to Italians as the tissue of the 2008 season of blonde Striscia la Notizia. Replaced in January of this year 's owner Thais Wiggers, forced to abandon the program and the network due to a pregnancy. Participates in the reality of RaiDue as unemployed.