Sunday, January 27, 2008

Tattoos Of Footprints And Wings

USA: latest sign of affluence

What the United States of America is a country with the gene into the DNA of the contradiction, no one disputes that. In the country where beers are sold as rifles and shotguns as beers, a few years there has been a relentless process of transference of wealth. Oh yes! The much touted redistribution of income has always been advocated by each candidate to the chair of Washington, remains on schedule, in the drawer of "I would, but I can not." Indeed, the evolution of the physiological dynamics of the economy over the years, have led to a further radicalization of the positions. Just compare some data to have it confirmed: if in 1973 20% of the U.S. population earned 43% of national income, the percentage now stands at a Solomonic 50%. Consequently, poverty is becoming more chronic in the same period, the lower classes perceived first 4.2% of national income then declined to 3.5% today. How to deal with this discomfort? It's simple! Increasing health care costs of up to $ 2.1 trillion per year, despite more than a third of Americans do not have medical care and 63% of young, strong shoots Yankee has an insurance policy paid by their employers. So if you feel good, make sure to contribute. This concept, overseas, has been thoroughly assimilated. In fact, since 1918 is that the American locomotive took on the role of undisputed leader in the global economy. And even in recent times the leadership is strengthened by a GDP growing at rates that stood at around 3% - 3.5% per year to break that allowed quota of $ 13 trillion in 2006. But despite the nation continue to get rich, you realize that the mechanism that determines these dynamics is corrupt in structural defects. American families spend more than they earn leading to chronic indebtedness that is often almost impossible to weld. The so-called "rich" also exploit the weaknesses and inequities of the market. If, in fact, from the Alps down the "building speculators" and the "wide boys in the neighborhood" pour their considerable (or fake) in investment funds on the brick, the other side of the ocean are addressed effectively the use of money in the stock market which brings them lower taxes and greater dynamism to the entire economic system. But not everything that glitters is gold. It can be seen easily as the older generations earn significantly more than the younger generation. Facing bleak times for the "spoiled children". It is easy to predict how this kind of "generational impoverishment" leading to an inevitable collapse of the entire American system. The feared scenario for the near future, in conjunction with a disturbingly weak U.S. dollar on world financial markets, an invitation to make an observation. It is convenient for the system in Europe to continue this sick or employed by the giant is finally time to stand on its own legs? Give me time to make a name in economic field and in a few years, I tell you!


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