Sunday, January 27, 2008

Project Report A New Business


Resume and paraphrase a famous saying. Maybe I'll also add an "L". The result that comes out is right? Some say yes. Those who turn up their nose. Who says no. Even its etymology creates a lot of embarrassment: we can speak of a "real globalization" or, more properly, we must limit the phenomenon to a shortlist made up of those countries so-called "rich"? Certainly not enough to flash a few lines to sufficiently examine the problem, but with a little 'Synthesis and analysis capabilities, it should highlight the pros and cons of this inexorable process. And with what meter to measure the state of this process? It's simple. With the burger. The real protagonist of this century. Mai Best element could serve as a global index of the approved development. Power of the global market. Here it is. Global. Back to show up this term, in spite of himself, more and more inflated. But the compelling reality of the facts forces us to make an ever more constant and recurring. Advocate a revolution in social, economic, political and cultural, it has been called by many. But the revolution, you know, not everyone likes. Especially if it affects those who often, like it or not, he finds himself excluded from this general trend. Globalization is not always synonymous with wealth and prosperity. Unfortunately. How to solve this equation be solved? It's the million dollar question to which everyone gives an answer different from each other and dissonant. Of course, as not to want a world where everyone can enjoy in the same way and manner of any good or service? Desires and needs that still does not find a unique and safe solution. The certainty so far is only one: globalization and standardization. Two terms are strictly dependent on each other: there can not be otherwise. The process of flattening global inevitably brings with it an intrinsic uniformity. But what is the price to pay? As we have always taught, nothing is created nor destroyed, but everything changes. The thought, then run towards the concept of "identity." The risk of creating clones of themselves is not so remote. The imposition of cultural and social patterns, though from diametrically opposite backgrounds, threatens to contaminate what is the real value added the human being, that is its uniqueness. As calmly assess which side tips the balance? For or against? The solution is not unique. The car started up and goes his way. There is only a few precautions to be taken. Search for the best way to reach the final target.

Tattoos Of Footprints And Wings

USA: latest sign of affluence

What the United States of America is a country with the gene into the DNA of the contradiction, no one disputes that. In the country where beers are sold as rifles and shotguns as beers, a few years there has been a relentless process of transference of wealth. Oh yes! The much touted redistribution of income has always been advocated by each candidate to the chair of Washington, remains on schedule, in the drawer of "I would, but I can not." Indeed, the evolution of the physiological dynamics of the economy over the years, have led to a further radicalization of the positions. Just compare some data to have it confirmed: if in 1973 20% of the U.S. population earned 43% of national income, the percentage now stands at a Solomonic 50%. Consequently, poverty is becoming more chronic in the same period, the lower classes perceived first 4.2% of national income then declined to 3.5% today. How to deal with this discomfort? It's simple! Increasing health care costs of up to $ 2.1 trillion per year, despite more than a third of Americans do not have medical care and 63% of young, strong shoots Yankee has an insurance policy paid by their employers. So if you feel good, make sure to contribute. This concept, overseas, has been thoroughly assimilated. In fact, since 1918 is that the American locomotive took on the role of undisputed leader in the global economy. And even in recent times the leadership is strengthened by a GDP growing at rates that stood at around 3% - 3.5% per year to break that allowed quota of $ 13 trillion in 2006. But despite the nation continue to get rich, you realize that the mechanism that determines these dynamics is corrupt in structural defects. American families spend more than they earn leading to chronic indebtedness that is often almost impossible to weld. The so-called "rich" also exploit the weaknesses and inequities of the market. If, in fact, from the Alps down the "building speculators" and the "wide boys in the neighborhood" pour their considerable (or fake) in investment funds on the brick, the other side of the ocean are addressed effectively the use of money in the stock market which brings them lower taxes and greater dynamism to the entire economic system. But not everything that glitters is gold. It can be seen easily as the older generations earn significantly more than the younger generation. Facing bleak times for the "spoiled children". It is easy to predict how this kind of "generational impoverishment" leading to an inevitable collapse of the entire American system. The feared scenario for the near future, in conjunction with a disturbingly weak U.S. dollar on world financial markets, an invitation to make an observation. It is convenient for the system in Europe to continue this sick or employed by the giant is finally time to stand on its own legs? Give me time to make a name in economic field and in a few years, I tell you!

Why Wont My Camera Work On

Mamma them Chinese! Urbi et Orbi

The dragon of the east sharpen their weapons and felt his voice loudly. His run a long way. Thanks to Mao Tse Tung, who founded the foundation on which it operates the backbone of today's economy, the great People's Republic has managed to occupy a prominent place in what is the current world stage on which are held political and economic processes. Until a few years ago relegated to the role of supporting actors, as it was anchored to the obsolete models that the Communists, it is ensured "a bowl of rice at all, but totally anachronistic now China bursts with great force on virtually all world markets, upheaval. Armed with an unparalleled potential, the nation with almond-shaped eyes has earned the nickname "miracle of the twenty-first century." Never was most fitting definition. In fact, it travels on production rates that are pale only to hear: "Made in China" reaches quantities which totaled about $ 191 billion annual about its central bank has reserves of about $ 1.4 trillion of which allow it to be the richest on the globe. With these conditions it is impossible to think that it can not aspire to establish, at least, the world economic leadership that, historically, is in the hands of the United States. However, just as the nation's stars and stripes, the Chinese are developing a space program that provides independent, in 2020, landing on the moon. Ambitious but entirely feasible, given that the momentum is now unstoppable. But what's his secret? Its growing economic trend is due to the intense competition that is able to influence all indirectly. Being a major exporter of deflation, it can make a significant moderation in prices, holding out his hand to large corporations that pour huge investments. In synergy with low labor costs, a large volume of exports and a low use of the practice of customs duties, projecting the whole of China toward a future in perspective, rather than rosy. But the medals have two faces. An earthquake squassante so, necessarily, must have caused some damage. The first fact that stands in the eyes is undoubtedly represented by the pollution. In a nation of 1.4 billion people where the only sources of livelihood are represented energy from coal and nuclear power, it is inevitable to see how the environmental impact has resulted in deleterious consequences if not destructive on a global scale. If it is the third nation in the world with regard to GDP, it is also the first in the world for production of CO 2 . each year are found at least 750,000 deaths attributable to pollution, over a third of the acid rain fall, 10 of its cities are among the 20 most polluted in the world, 400 million people below the poverty level and receive no any form of pension benefit, illiteracy is almost rampant. It is with these strong internal contradictions that the red giant tries to gain a prominent place on a global scale. But is this the way right to go?