Sunday, May 27, 2007

Starting Salary Of A Occupa

Anthropology sermidese I - 2nd lesson

As promised in the previous lesson we offer you a little educational video on the endless ritual of the glass where you can see very clearly how these people manage to reach a state of trance during ritual ceremonies.
That person is a young man who voluntarily sacrificed to pro community making it what these natives call " 'mbriagoz " which, after long studies rigardanti the complicated local language, we managed to translate "He who does not seem all right."
But it is not yet discovered the social function of ritual even if it seems to be a kind of social glue that unites the entire communities around the 'mbriagoz at that moment embodies the soul of the group.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Dental Pain That Moves Around

Anthropology sermidese I

Days, especially the evenings, spend quiet lands sermidesi . Maybe a little 'too quiet since that smaronìa territorial pushes young men to undertake socio-psychedelic immediately fell on fertile ground in H umus small indigenous tribes. At first glance it may appear only in exceptional activity but at closer inspection you notice how they are evolving in real rituals of a group of enormous social importance. I and my research team we were able to categorize two classic types of social phenomena that have come to be particularly relevant in recent times.
  • The sacred ritual of donning the gray-car mystique of the penis (this seems to be an evil deity in many local cosmologies)
  • The ritual of the glass also known as the endless night of "We will pay for the bottle and you're so drunk we can get what we want and laugh a lot at you but deep down we love you "
For now, the information in our possession ready stop to these two phenomena, but we are working on new material to go into that, but this will be the subject of the next lesson.
bye to everyone.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Topaz Vs. Aquamarine Value

Have you ever seen these tiny little creatures

Funny, is not it?


Cicci Cicci.


The problem a bottom line is that
have, um, well, a slight tendency to mold all'infortunistica home.

is well, not big stuff.

It 's a cartoon that went on MTV some time ago (obviously not at lunch time, but was not hurt as the idea of \u200b\u200binnovative programming ...) are all still on emule and they are also short so do not complain that you lose time maik download the shit.
I recommend you go see them: massacres sgranguignoleschi for everyone.

Up, so I say go and see who it is that he was right there in the end ... up, up ..

Sample Congratulatory Anniversary Letters

And while there are those damned dots!
So enough with the hysterics as soon as you open the blog because now the first thing you see is only the sign of the 200 Cigarettes'Bar!
... the remainder (double column type, and other bullshit pretty pricey ...) I'm still working there.
So be patient;

Be quite and drive !!!!!!

Monday, May 14, 2007

Ipod No Sound Ford Fiesta

Sample nutria Puttanas , very good race to break the fog

Olivetti Drivers Prt 100

Just to break the ice Friday night we went (me and the gang criminals who accompanied me) to do a "ride" and I popped back out into the street, suddenly a thing (WASTE I still believe it was a rat or nutria ...) four-legged, hairy and skinned rat by the tail but with the size of a wild boar.

Step 1 - I was not able to say anything else except "MA fuck!" and groped an unlikely dodge (I took the tail haha)

Phase 2 - to understand what it was about to ask my sister tells me that it was a cat, it leaves me ...., mmm puzzled ... Bald cat with its tail, mmm ...

Step 3 - ask the guys who followed me into the car and discover that we just killed the last of " Topus mannarus of campagnas ", wanted for the murderess in 24 counties of 13 virgins, robbery armed robbery and organization of terrorist cells of al-Qaeda.

Step 4 - the topic is beginning to get bored and decide to roll another.

Covering Bat With Bat Tape

volita And, it is with great pleasure and from one million barrels as soon as the smoke that I present 200 Cigarettes'Bar blog!
News, music, culture, sports, politics, art, news, Italian, mathematics and geography.
None of this ...