Tuesday, August 31, 2010

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Mikelino: The New Smart Sensor Alarm

In general, a sensor-transducer is a device that detects a physical quantity and converts it into another. Sesnore a warning detects a person's physical and engineering an electrical signal that can be used to activate a siren.
The market already offers a wide variety of alarm sensors for the protection of buildings. They are divided in two groups: those for interior and exterior.
The first involved when the intruder is already inside the building to be protected and are installed internally. The
seconds instead generate an alarm before a person enters the building and are installed outside. How
do you detect the presence of an individual?
different technologies are adopted some of which are listed below.
The first is the detection of infrared radiation by a person. In fact, the body temperature is around 36 ° C. Therefore it is determined that the temperature difference between the environment and the intruder itself.
The second is the motion detection by means of microwaves. In fact, a movement of a body varies the frequency of emitted waves. This change is detected to generate an alarm. There are called dual-technology sensors that combine the two technologies mentioned and generate an alarm only in the case where both the infrared that microwaves. This will lower the probability of false alarms. Then there are the classic magnetic contacts involved opening a door or frame.
There are also infrared sensors that generate a beam interruption of a signal and then inertial sensors sensitive to vibration.
those mentioned above are the most popular technologies. There are other types of sensors that are much more complex and have not been mentioned. The sensor
"Mikelino" has the following features: 1 Works
multi-technology, one of which is capacitive;
2 You install inside the building and protects it from the outside
3 Hidden vision;
4 very low probability of false alarms;
5 affordable for the end user.
The capacitive technology is a unique technology that detects the presence of a human body because it is made mostly of water and minerals.
The sensor consists of a pair of wires that make up the armor on the capacitor. They can be installed inside of the casing, and completely hidden from view. In qusto will generate an invisible barrier.
Under resting conditions the dielectric is air. The moment you approach the intruder and then change the dielectric capacitance. This change is detected by generating a signal. Coupled with the capacitive sensor have the inertial sensor sensitive only to vibrations. In summary
to generate an alarm must be the physical presence of a human body is the will to force the frame.
The "Mikelino" can be applied almost anywhere for example on the doors, under the floors of the balconies, on fences, on verandas, gardens etc. ...

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"Mikelino" Consists of an intelligent alarm sensor.
A sensor is an electronic apparatus Which Reveals the presence of intruders. The market offers a big variety of alarm sensors. They Can Be Grouped into Two Big Families: inside sensors and alarm outside ones. The first family includes all those sensors that have to be installed inside the buildings and giving an alarm only when the intruder gets inside the building for example opening a window or a door. The second family includes all those sensors that have to be installed outside the buildings and giving an alarm only when the intruder gets in the perimeter outside the building.
The sensor “Mikelino” has the following charateristics:
1 It is installed inside the building but protects it externally;
2 It works with capacitive sense tecnology coupled with a vibration sensor;
3 It’s totally hidden from view;
4 Very low probabilità of false alarms;
5 Affordable.
I'm about to explain how the capacitive technology works: it is a unique technology that detects the presence of a human body and what made mostly of water and minerals. The sensor consists of a pair of wires forming the armatures of the capacitor. The wires are totally hidden from view. It acts as an invisible barrier. In standby dielectric is air. When an intruder approaches to the window the dielectric changes generating a variation of capacity. This variation is detected by generating a signal. The capacitive sensor coupled to the inertial sensor sensisbile only to vibrations.
The alarm is generated because both the sensors are going active: capacitive and vibration.
The sensor is intelligent and understands that false alarm and it's not an intruder who wants to enter. In
synthesis in order to Have an alarm and there must be the physical presence of a human body and the will to force the frame.
You can apply "Mikelino" anywhere, for example, on doors, under the floors, on fences, on porches, gardens etc. ...