Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Caught Him Smelling My Feet

In this lesson we have taken the themes of the previous year.
"Historia animalum "Aristotle is human functions that are also present in other animals. In this book the author applies the philosophy to the empirical sciences.
His basic question is: What relationship did the voice in the language? "
Aristotle discovers that it is not enough to have a voice to produce speech sounds. Among those who have voice and who has a language, there is a biological step, given that the entry is necessary, but not enough to talk.
This book also talks about the biological basis of language. It also cites the larynx and its importance for language.

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In this lesson we talked about the important figure of DON MILANI .
He spends all his short life (he died, in fact, a young, owing to a tumor) to complete his most important project: to build a school for farmers. His school was founded in the '50s. The Italy of those years had a high illiteracy rate, mainly because of the fact that poor children could not afford to go to school. Don Milani
supports the class struggle and speaks of the difference as the difference in educational level in men. For him, in fact, education is class consciousness. The goal with greater fervor aims is the desire to bridge the gap class. He wants EQUAL 'HUMAN possible, according to Don Milani , even with a drop of education, because we all have the same level of anthropology, but impossible, if someone does not have the correct proficiency. If they exist as "a farmer can compare with an engineer."
For the deaf, their main problem is just the mastery of the language. Of course they can not develop it.
from saying this in the book of Aristotle's "Historia animalum " the history of deaf people has had dramatic implications. The statement Aristotle is:
From here on, the trouble began for the deaf in their Western history. Aristotle has been misunderstood by those who studied and criticized, such as schools and the Fathers. The syllogism that they have put forward is that:

men have a language the deaf do not have a language the deaf are not men

Aristotle's phrase has been distorted because of this, but the text does not contain any way this logic.

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In this lesson, we touched on some of the basics about our brain and also to some scholars who are interested in this field.
We therefore quoted: RITA LEVI
MONTALCINI - she is a neuroscientist who is mainly engaged in the aging brain. In his books is often cited Lucy (which marks the transition from ape to Homo habilis ). We talked
phylogeny of the brain, that is, the history of the evolution of our brain;
ontogenesis of the brain, namely the study of the tasks which it has in the existence of man. After
brain growth in our various predecessors, we have the process LATERALIZATION , that is the specialized the two hemispheres of the brain in two different tasks: the left hemisphere
functionality logical-mathematical;
the right hemisphere with emotional functionality. At
lateralization happens another satisfactory stage of brain development: the DOMINAZA Hemisphere. In humans, dominance is assigned to the left hemisphere, where there is also the function of speech. This is typical for this dominance of man and other animals that do not have the gift of speech.
humans, furthermore, the brain has a function TRANSLATERALE , ie, in our brain the left hemisphere controls the right side of our actions body el'emisfero right controls, conversely, the actions of the left side of our body.
Regarding the size of the brain, until recently it was thought that its size was proportional to the intelligence of the individual. Because of this we thought discrimination, which are especially racial and sexual nature. Particularly with regard to women (who have smaller brains than men to volume). In fact, they were not considered for a long time in education worldwide. In 1874
PAUL BROC, in a speech that keeps the Senate, said the intellectual equality between men and women.

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In this lesson we have discussed above the relationship between:
this report are based on many empirical studies on the reflection of the language.
One of the many scholars who propose such studies is PAUL BROC '. He discovered in 1861 and is dedicated to a specific area of \u200b\u200bthe brain, which, thanks to his discoveries he was also named.
AREAS BROC 'is the area of \u200b\u200bthe brain that governs the production of speech sounds and is located in the left frontal lobe of the brain. If you have a physical damage in the Broc, s'incorre in a language with no dysfunction in the production of sound and then it was silent in the face of a subject. This is known as aphasia.
You can also speak of aphasia engines, when a person has an inability to move the muscles that allow the production of verbal sounds.
The human brain has evolved very slowly, or about two million years.
In fact, two million years ago apes appear on earth.
The transition from apes to hominids has the appearance of Homo ABILIS , and then with LUCY , the first hominid found in Ethiopia. This transition occurs with the descent of the monkeys from the trees. This event also produces the largest increase in the history of brain size. In fact, the brain doubles
australopithecines, brain of 600 cm ³;
homo habilis , the brains of 900 cm ³. Homo habilis
specializes is giving rise to the HOME ERECTUS , where we experienced an increase in brain mass by 25%. Homo erectus have the appearance of skill of hunting and building shelters. This leaves room for the HOME
SAPIENT . The most famous example among homo Sapient is the man of Neanderthal . Their step is the first to have had a religion. In practice this religion, though primitive, they used to practice: burial rites, cannibalism, etc..
The net difference between the man of Neanthertal and his successor is that he did not speak. In fact, Homo Sapient , although quite advanced, with the pharynx and a brain equal to those who have succeeded, failed to deliver speech sounds. The presence of the word no was not, then due to a cognitive problem, but a problem of biological origin. The HOMO SAPIENT
SAPIENT , in fact, develop that trait that allows the use of the word and that is the treatment SOPRALARINGEO .
As the deaf, the Neanderthal man, develop a visual language - gestures that allows him to communicate even without words.
We also touched on the theme of children WOLF.
These are children who are raised in a community of speakers, abandoned in an environment devoid of civilization, may regress to the status of great apes. Many of these children do not develop as well as the word does not even develop a standing position.